Here are two comparation of cities: Venezuela and Colombia.
venezuela city.
Here the people think in the stadiums, the building, the parks. Why?
venezuela has a weather of 27 a 28º C. . Its housing is affordable.
Also, venezuela has hotels, museums, theaters and movies.
The venezuela city is a great city, it has a population of 28.384.000
Too has beatiful beaches. You can visit them.
The city: The colombia city is a great city, it has a population of 45.659.709. It has multiple forests and parks. Its weather is of 30ºC. Modern stadiums and also, it has numerous buildings.
Here the people think in the stadiums, the building, the parks. Why?
venezuela has a weather of 27 a 28º C. . Its housing is affordable.
Also, venezuela has hotels, museums, theaters and movies.
The venezuela city is a great city, it has a population of 28.384.000
Too has beatiful beaches. You can visit them.
The city: The colombia city is a great city, it has a population of 45.659.709. It has multiple forests and parks. Its weather is of 30ºC. Modern stadiums and also, it has numerous buildings.
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